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  • J.F. Burgess

Kindness, nature and gripping reads during lockdown

Stating the obvious, but 2020 was a very tough year for everyone around the world, and sadly many people lost their lives.

We’re all hoping 2021 will bring new hope of a better, safer future. The few positives to come out of this pandemic are the vaccination programs now being rolled out to protect the vulnerable, and we have all reconnected with our families, and vowed to be kinder to each other moving forward. Of course, when everyone is cooped up in the house there are arguments and tension, but that aside; I think families and friends have become stronger in supporting each other through this very challenging time. Bearing this in mind I wanted to get in touch, to see how you’re doing, and ask what have you found helps breaks the tedium of these lock-down measures and not being able to travel too far from home? I’ve always loved walking, no matter what the season/weather. I’m sure you’ll agree, getting out into the countryside or your favourite park can lift our spirits and allow us to think, but more importantly it releases those endorphins and does us the world of good. Its also when some of my best ideas pop into my head, and I can solve any problems that are troubling me. In fact, after this lovely winter walk with my wife and daughter I penned an outline for a classic Christmas Murder mystery: a book I’m hoping to release for Christmas 2021. The first snowfall and surroundings sent my creative juices in overdrive. Forest bathing set my mind into analysing nature closely, and what part it plays when a murder is committed in a remote location. The devil is always in the detail!

I remember learning from a creative writing course that writers should view the world in much more detail than most people, that’s how they develop the ability to set the scene and atmosphere of books, hopefully, readers will love!

I’m sure you have a favourite place that acts as a sanctuary, an escape from the daily routines that can grind us down if we don’t get out and about.

Getting back to simpler lives helps us to develop new coping mechanisms. After all, the wise men say happiness is a state of mind and I’m inclined to agree.

Walking, running, forest bathing, exercising at home, watching engaging dramas and documentaries through online streaming services; not forgetting reading great books, can all help.

If you have any recommendations of any gripping TV dramas or great books please drop my email here: .I answer all my emails personally.

Speaking of books: one of my favourite quotes is from the simple but powerfully titled, The Book of happiness by Lizzie Cornwall:

Life is short. Kiss slowly, laugh insanely,

love truly and forgive quickly.

Paulo Coelho

Moving on... On February 26th my new book THE MISSING AND THE DEAD comes out and I intend to make it FREE to everyone

Over the next 36 days, I’ll share with you… Where I got the idea for the book from, how the characters formed in my head, and how I pieced everything together to make it a compelling murder mystery with spine-tingling twists that left BETA readers breathless. Please look out for my emails?

To ensure you get my special offers, FREE books and other great stuff, over the coming months; I'd be very grateful if you'd whitelist or add this email address to your contacts, that will stop it being added to spam or promotions -

In closing, I’d like to share a meme I found moving. It puts in perspective some simple human comforts we all miss. Things we can look forward to doing after the pandemic. The simple things that make us all human.

My aim is to provide a bit of entertainment or distraction as we all try to keep safe.

If you don't have a copy of my first novel, The Killer Shadow Thieves, then why don't you grab a FREE copy by clicking here.

Take care and stay safe J .F. Burgess

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